Hemato Oncólogos > Patient > Patient safety program

Patient Safety program

HEMATO ONCÓLOGOS s.a. We are committed to providing quality and safe care to each user, with the goal of reducing adverse events by promoting a culture of patient safety, implementing safe practices and building an alliance with the patient and their family.

We work in coordination with the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, taking into account the good clinical practices identified as safer practices that can be incorporated into the services provided by Hemato Oncólogos S.A.

Our Patient Safety program

  • Develop a fair, educational and non-punitive culture of patient safety in all the employees of HEMATO ONCÓLOGOS S.A. and its Network Integrated Headquarters.
  • It reduces the occurrence of incidents and adverse events promoting safety in the care and administrative processes.
  • It fosters a safe environment for care, integrating institutional policies and processes.
  • It promotes the analysis and management of patient safety reports, in order to reduce their occurrence, guaranteeing their confidentiality.
  • Employs practices that improve the performance of workers and adherence to patient safety guidelines.
  • Directs dissemination, training and coaching strategies for collaborators and users
More Information:
Patient safety
Email: seguridadpaciente@hematooncologos.com
PBX: (+ 572) 524 5839 Ext.159
Cali – Colombia