El Centro de Investigación Hemato Oncológico (CIHO) aims to promote and develop clinical research in hemato-oncology, for which it has a multidisciplinary group of health professionals in the areas of hematology, oncology, pathology, surgery, molecular biology, epidemiology , infectology, among others.

Our principle is to foster a culture of research and scientific dissemination based on critical, ethical and responsible thinking, aimed at the contribution of knowledge, continuous improvement and innovation in the methods of diagnosis, treatment and care of our users and their families.

The CIHO develops clinical research projects of its own initiative and also collaborates in protocols financed by external institutions such as Colciencias, universities, institutes or the pharmaceutical industry. We currently have research collaborations with groups belonging to the Universidad Libre, Universidad del Valle, University of Antioquia and the International Center for Studies in Human Genetics CIDEGEN of Salamanca, Spain.

Similarly, CIHO participates in clinical research protocols funded by pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Novartis, Janssen, Sanofi, Glaxo Smith Kline, among others. These research protocols include multicenter controlled clinical trials that assess the efficacy or safety of new drugs for the treatment of cancer or hematological diseases which in Colombia can only be performed by institutions that have been certified by the INVIMA in Good Clinical Practices (BPC). / GCP) according to resolution 2378 of 2008, certification with which the CIHO has had since 2012.


Positioning itself as a recognized research center in the national medical, academic and scientific community for its contribution to clinical research in the areas of Hematology and Oncology.


Promote, coordinate and develop research activities of excellence on aspects of health problems of the Colombian population in the areas of Hematology and Oncology.

Lines of investigation:

  • Hematology
  • Oncology
  • Epidemiology
Chapters of the book:

Principios básicos de la oncología. Capítulo de libro en: Texto de Medicina Interna: aprendizaje basado en problemas. ACMI. Distribuna Editorial, Bogotá, 2013. ISBN: 978-958-8379-62-3. Alvaro Guerrero, Miguel Angel Saavedra, Yorlany Rodas.


Saavedra Miguel Angel, et al. Caracterización de los pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer colorectal en el periodo 2010-2012 en Hematooncólogos, Revista Colombiana de Cancerología ISSN: 0123-9015, 2013 vol: 17 fasc: 4 págs: 176 – 176


Rodas-Cortes Yorlany, et.al. Expresión de Her-2/neu en tejido neoplásico mamario mediante inmunohistoquímica automatizada: experiencia en la unidad de diagnóstico hemato oncológico – UDHO durante el año 2012. Revista Colombiana De Cancerología ISSN: 0123-9015, 2013 vol: 17 fasc: 4 págs: 176 – 177

Own Studies in Development 2015:
  • Calidad de vida en pacientes con cáncer atendidos en un Instituto Oncólogico de Cali. By Yorlany Rodas, Diana Marcela Martínez, Marcela Mosquera.
  • Características clínicas, patológicas y de tratamiento de pacientes con cáncer de Mama, Pulmón, Próstata, Colon y Recto atendidos en un Instituto Oncológico de Cali. By Alvaro Guerrero, Alvaro Gómez, Ana Cristina Avendaño, Carolina López, Indira Hernández, Henry Idrobo
  • Caracterización clínica y patológica de pacientes con cáncer de Pulmón en un servicio de Hematología y Oncología en Cali-Colombia. Principal investigator: Dra. Indira Hernández et al.
  • Factores asociados a infecciones en pacientes con Leucemias y linfomas en el servicio de Hemato Oncología (Hemato Oncólogos S.A) de la clínica universitaria Rafael Uribe Uribe de la ciudad de Cali. Principal investigator: Dr. Julián Guevara, et al.
  • Frecuencia en la expresión de HER-2/NEU en tejido Neoplásico Mamario mediante Inmunohistoquímica automatizada de la Unidad de Diagnóstico Hemato Oncológico UDHO. By Yorlany Rodas
  • Optimización metodológica para la detección de marcadores tumorales relevantes en el pronóstico y tratamiento del Cáncer de Mama. By Roberto Jaramillo