
In HEMATO ONCÓLOGOS S.A. We want to offer you the best service, so if you have any questions, we invite you to consult the following questions and answers. In case you do not find an answer to the question you have, you can write to the email that appears in the bottom of the page to be able to resolve it and add it to this questionnaire that is for the service of all our patients. Thank you for using the services of Hemato Oncológos.

How to request an appointment in Hemato Oncologists?

You can do it by calling the telephone number 524-58-39, mark option 1 and then select the specialty you require (hemato oncology, dermatology or other specialties).

You can also do it through the page http://hematooncologos.com/atencion-al-usuario/solicitud-de-cita/

What are the hours of attention of Hemato Oncologists?

The opening  hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. at 5:00 p.m.

What is the visiting schedule in hospitalization?

The hospitalization service is located on the fifth floor of Tower Three, Edificio Vida, located at 5D # 38A 35, and the visiting hours are Monday through Sunday from 9:00 a.m. at 8:00 p.m.

What documents should you have on hand when you request the appointment?

  • Patient’s identity document.
  • Authorized EPS medical order if necessary.

What documents must be presented when attending the appointment?

  • Identification document.
  • Authorized EPS medical order if necessary.
  • Cancel the moderator fee according to the salary range or value of the particular consultation if it is the case.
  • If it comes from an external entity, present a clinical history.

What specialties do Hemato oncologists attend?

  • Adult Clinical Oncology
  • Adult Hematology
  • Gynecology Oncology
  • Consultation and Oncological Orthopedic Surgery
  • Oncologic surgery
  • Colon and rectum surgery
  • Breast Surgery
  • Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
  • Paliative Care
  • Oncological Dermatology
  • Consultation and Oncological Gastrointestinal Surgery

What kind of exams are performed in Hemato-Oncólogos?

  • Conventional cytogenetics
  • Molecular studies
  • Pathological anatomy
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Flow cytometry

What to do if a complaint or acknowledgment is filed?

You just have to locate the PQRS format that you find inside the waiting rooms of the Hemato Oncólogos offices, fill it out and deposit it in the suggestion box located inside the facilities of the Oncological Institution.

Does Hemato Oncologists have an Emergency Department?

  • Hemato Oncólogos does not have an emergency service within their facilities.
  • For emergency care the patient must be directed to the entity with which his EPS has an agreement for emergency care.

Does Hemato Oncologists have a chemotherapy room?

The Oncology Institution currently has two rooms for the application of ambulatory chemotherapy, located at 5B5 # 38 – 10 and whose hours are 7:00 a.m. at 5:00 p.m.

Does Hemato Oncologists have a pharmacy?

The Oncological institution does have a pharmacy service but it is specialized, that is, only for the delivery of Oncological medicines to patients who are taking a treatment in Hemato oncologists.

What are the pharmacy hours?

Pharmacy service hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. at 5:00 p.m. The Pharmacy area is located on the first floor of the Main Headquarters of Hemato Oncólogos.

More information:
Comunicaciones Hemato Oncólogos
Email: comunicaciones@hematooncologos.com
PBX: (+ 572) 524 5839 ext.105
Cali – Colombia